

Boosting the use of TypeScript with Electron Router DOM

Typing URLSearchParams globally

To get global typing of URLSearchParams in the get method of the queryKeys you specified, you can use the following approach using the settings object returned by the createElectronRouter function:

import { createElectronRouter, type Query } from 'electron-router-dom'
export const { Router, registerRoute, settings } = createElectronRouter({
  port: 4927,
  types: {
    ids: ['main'],
    queryKeys: ['name', 'version'],
declare global {
  interface URLSearchParams {
    get<T extends typeof settings>(name: Query.Keys<T>): Query.Return

Or you can type all methods:

import { createElectronRouter, type Query } from 'electron-router-dom'
export const { Router, registerRoute, settings } = createElectronRouter({
  port: 4927,
  types: {
    ids: ['main'],
    queryKeys: ['name', 'version'],
declare global {
  type Types = typeof settings
  interface URLSearchParams {
    get<T extends Types>(name: Query.Keys<T>): Query.Return
    set<T extends Types>(name: Query.Keys<T>, value: string): void
    append<T extends Types>(name: Query.Keys<T>, value: string): void
    delete<T extends Types>(name: Query.Keys<T>, value?: string): void
    has<T extends Types>(name: Query.Keys<T>, value?: string): boolean
    forEach<T extends Types>(
      callbackfn: (
        value: string,
        key: Query.Keys<T>,
        parent: URLSearchParams
      ) => void
    ): void
    getAll<T extends Types>(name: Query.Keys<T>): string[]
    keys<T extends Types>(): IterableIterator<Query.Keys<T>>
    entries<T extends Types>(): IterableIterator<[Query.Keys<T>, string]>

With this, you will be able to take advantage of editor's intellisense in both the global URLSearchParams object and the useSearchParams hook of the react-router-dom library.

Typing a factory with router ids and queryKeys

Assuming you have a factory to create windows in Electron, and you want to type it with the ids and queryKeys you specified in the createElectronRouter function, you can use the following approach using the registerRoute method returned by it:

import { registerRoute } from './lib/electron-router-dom'
type Route = Parameters<typeof registerRoute>[0]
interface WindowProps extends Electron.BrowserWindowConstructorOptions {
  id: Route['id']
  query?: Route['query']
export function createWindow({ id, query, ...options }: WindowProps) {
  const window = new BrowserWindow(options)
    browserWindow: window,
    htmlFile: path.join(__dirname, '../renderer/index.html'),
  return window

With this, when calling the createWindow function, you will have the id property and the query object properly typed.