

Troubleshooting common issues with Electron Router DOM

If you're having trouble with Electron Router DOM, here are some common issues and solutions.


A JavaScript error occurred in the main process -> Error: Cannot find module 'XXX'

The following solution is from Electron Vite docs, but it's the same for most of the Electron apps:

Dependent modules are not packaged into the application. To solve this:

  • If the related module is installed in devDependencies, please reinstall it in dependencies. This is because packaging tools (e.g. electron-builder, electron-forge) usually exclude modules in devDependencies.
  • If you are using the pnpm package manager, you’ll need to add a file .npmrc with shamefully-hoist=true in project root directory (in order for your dependencies to be bundled correctly). Also, you need to delete node_modules and pnpm-lock.yaml, then reinstall the modules. Of course you can switch to other package manager (e.g. npm, yarn) to avoid this problem.